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Who the Hell is Leviticus Cornwall?


In need of money, and with the plans and explosives stolen from the O'Driscolls' camp, the gang ride out to rob Leviticus Cornwall's private train.

☐ Save Lenny when he is hanging from the train
☐ After stopping the train, take out the guards within 1 minute 30 seconds
☐ Take no damage during the shootout
☐ Get 10 headshots
☐ Complete the mission without taking any health items


Dutch announces that it is time for the train. The gang rides out toward Cumberland Falls where they plan to blow up the tracks and rob the train. When they arrive on the ridge, Arthur heads down to help Bill set up the explosives. After you hook up the wire and return to the gang, a cutscene will start. The dynamite does not explode, and Lenny, Javier and Arthur run to jump on top of the train.

Javier falls of and Lenny is hanging on the side of the train, and you need to pull him up, in order to get the first objective. Lenny will kill the first guard with his knife and asks if you want him to take out the next guard. Take the lead and shoot the next guard in the head so you need only 9 more headshots. Don't take any health items so fill your Dead Eye with snake oil or chewing tobaccos. Headshot all the guards on the train and you should have 7 headshots in the pocket. If you choose to let Lenny go first and deal with the train engineer, you can get another headshot.

Now comes the shitty part. When you get off the train, you need to take out the guards within 1 minute 30 seconds without taking any damage. Take out the first couple of guards from behind the rock and move forward. Maneuver from rock to rock towards the hill and take cover behind the rock on top of the hill. If you stay behind for too long, the other boys don't show up and you will run out of time. "Good shooting, kid.", marks the end of the shootout. Get down the hill and rejoin the gang.

After you've searched the train car, Dutch lets you decide what to do with the three guards. This is your chance to get three more headshots, in case you weren't sure about your headshot count. Walk towards the loot your way towards the front of the train and send it on its way. Well done!

The medal does not appear on the screen, you can find only after you've finished Eastward Bound and have settled in Horseshoe Overlook. Find it in the MENU/PROGRESS/STORY/CHAPTER 1.

Video Walkthrough


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